The Importance of a Tech Audit

If you’re an auditor you’re likely to be asked at some point, you’ll be asked to conduct an audit of the technology. Though it may feel like a new task that you have to add to your to-do list of tasks, a tech audit is an essential step to ensure that your clients’ technology is in good working order and in line with business goals.

Tech audits may take a variety of kinds. They can be a comprehensive view of all technologies used by a business or concentrate on specific areas. In general, an audit of technology involves capturing each technology that are in use and evaluating their requirements, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. This can be a daunting task, especially for large businesses that use hundreds of applications.

A tech audit can also be an excellent way to determine whether an organization is complying with the rules and guidelines of the industry or if there are ways to save money. It could also assist in ensuring that employees are trained on the safe and correct use of technology in the business.

While the American public’s lack of cyber hygiene is bad news for everyone, it’s a much larger issue for businesses, which need to keep their systems up to date in order to prevent data breaches, reduce costs and provide the best customer experience. Regularly conducting a tech audit is the key to staying on top of your game and avoiding costly failures. It can be the difference between a company in the top position and one struggling to stay in business.